The École des Arts Décoratifs, a public school under the authority of the French Ministry of Culture, awards a master’s degree (4 semesters). Since 2020, the undergraduates are awarded a bachelor's degree (6 semesters).
- Validate each semester (6)
- Complete a mandatory professional internship of at least six weeks within the three-year course
- Hand in a written report reflecting on the three years of training and outlining plans for their future
- Successfully defend their bachelor's degree project: presenting a selection of works carried out throughout the three years.
- The defense is graded out of 20:
- If the grade is below to 10/20: Students do not pass/a jury decides whether they retake the year or end the course.
- If the grade is between 10 and 14: Students pass but are not guaranteed a place in the master's program. Students will be summoned before an ad hoc committee parallel to the fourth-year competitive entrance examination.
- If the grade is higher or equal to 14: Students pass and are guaranteed a place in the master's program, provided they get their bachelor's degree.
Bachelor’s Degree:
Students may stop their studies after having obtained the bachelor's degree (6 semesters), which attests to the acquisition of a common core of knowledge and skills in a disciplinary field.
It prepares students for the master's degree or for professional integration immediately after they have obtained the bachelor's degree and promotes lifelong learning.
To get their bachelor's degree, students are required to:
The defense equates to 6 ECTS credits.
Master’s Degree
This degree is awarded to students who have obtained all 300 ECTS credits and successfully defended their thesis and their final year project (Grand Projet) before a jury, whose members are chosen by the director of the School.
The degree is awarded in one of the ten departments of specialization of the School: Interior Architecture, Art-Space, Animation, Graphic Design, Product Design, Textile and Texture Design, Fashion and Accessory Design, Printed Image, Photography/Video and Scenography.
The degree is a certified level 1 degree with “grade de master” awarded by the French government. More information: Official order.
Graduates may also apply to:
Universities or Grande Écoles, either in France or abroad, following their admission procedures.
French civil service examinations (category A), especially for teachers in art and architecture schools or in secondary education.
PhD’s Degree
Students can pursue their higher education and their research after graduating from the École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs. Although entering the professional world is the natural step following graduation, graduates who wish to get a practice-based research PhD may apply to EnsadLab.
Two admission procedures are offered: students apply either for the SACRe PSL Doctorate or for the predoctoral year.