The EnsadLab Laboratory

EnsadLab has three purposes: training the new generation of artists and designers through research, allowing them to pursue their education with a practice based doctoral degree, as well as conducting and promoting its own research projects.
- the ICCA LabEx (Laboratory of excellence - Cultural Industries and Artistic Creation)
- the École Universitaire de Recherche (University of Research) ARTEC which is dedicated to “art, technology, digital technology, human mediation and creation”
- the Institut Carnot Cognition which brings together the major french laboratories for cognition
- the REBOOT project - an interdisciplinary and collaborative project designed to create innovative tools and encourage the emergence of new entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs in the field of digital transition
- ArcInTex, a network where Architecture, Interaction Design and Textiles join forces
- the Cluster “Matters of Activity” which aims to create a basis for a new culture of materials
- Hexagram, a network dedicated to research-creation in media arts, design, technology and digital culture
- Cap Digital, which is dedicated to digital transformation
- Techtera, which dedicated to the French textile industry
- The French National Technological Research Agency (ANRT)
- the “Arts and Sciences” Chair, in partnership with the École Polytechnique and the Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso
- the “Transforming Student Life” Chair, in partnership with the CNOUS.
- French and international school laboratories: the Mechatronics Laboratory of the École des Mines, the Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics (ISIR) / Sorbonne Université, the FEMTO-ST (Electronics, mechanics, thermodynamics and Optics - Sciences and Technologies) / Université de Franche-Comté, CITA / Royal Danish Academy..…
- Companies: EDF, Balenciaga, Orange Labs, IBM, LECTRA, Émotic, Suricats, SCAU
- Hospitals and institutes of medical research: the Image Institute, the Necker Hospital, the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital and the Cochin Hospital.
- Cultural partners.
- Book de la recherche
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A Pioneering Laboratory
EnsadLab has been a pioneer since its creation in 2007 and is still destined to be ahead of its time. EnsadLab is the leading art and design research laboratory in France and more specifically on the PSL research campus, as it plays a significant role at the crossroads of art, design, exact sciences and social and human sciences. As it is a real label ensuring a practice-based approach to research, it is also renowned by the international research communities.
For several years now through its laboratory, the École des Arts Décoratifs has been involved, through its laboratory, in structuring and interdisciplinary projects and programs: the ICCA LabEx (Laboratory of excellence - Cultural Industries and Artistic Creation), the École Universitaire de Recherche (University of Research) ARTEC which is dedicated to “art, technology, digital technology, human mediation and creation”, the Institut Carnot Cognition which brings together the major french laboratories for cognition, the REBOOT project - an interdisciplinary and collaborative project designed to create innovative tools and encourage the emergence of new entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs in the field of digital transition - which is financed by the BPI (Public Investment Bank) as part of the Disrupt Campus program.
Research is also conducted in partnership with various socioeconomic and cultural actors ; such as industrial R&D departments (EDF, Orange Labs, IBM, In Vivo, LECTRA etc.), service businesses (Émotic, Suricats) or agencies (SCAU, etc.) Lastly, the École des Arts Décoratifs coordinates the “Arts and Sciences” Chair in partnership with the École Polytechnique and the Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso as well as the “Transforming Student Life” CHAIR in partnership with the CNOUS.
The School also works with schools and universities in Europe (the HEAD in Geneva or the Humboldt in Berlin for example), North America and Canada (Harvard in Boston, Hexagram in Montreal, etc.)
This range of structuring partnerships forms a unique research ecosystem.
The laboratory comprises five theme-based research groups and three interdisciplinary topics, which form the backbone of its threefold research effort: 1. Materials, 2. Interactions and 3. Environment and Health.
SACRe PSL Doctorate
The debates that are sparked off by the research college and universities global rankings show the extent to which research has become a key activity. The laboratory trains the new generation of designers and artists thanks to a dedicated program, the SACRe PSL doctorate.
For several years now, the École des Arts Décoratifs has been involved, through its laboratory, in numerous both national and international consortiums and interdisciplinary research projects. This set of research projects forms a research and innovation ecosystem that is unique in France.
The School is a founding member of several national and international research consortiums:
The School is also a member of two clusters:
It is also a member of:
The School coordinates two teaching and research chairs:
The School also conducts several research collaborations projects with: