International Reach
For many years now, the École des Arts Décoratifs has pursued a policy promoting its international influence. It is embodied by the School’s extensive network of partnerships across Europe and the world. Our teachers and students regularly represent the School at exhibitions, workshops, festivals, biennials and conferences.
The École des Arts Décoratifs’s International Influence
The École des Arts Décoratifs participates in the Erasmus Program. Thus, our master’s students may study abroad or do an internship at another European art or design school for several months.
They may also consider international mobility programs to study outside Europe, thanks to the financial and organizational support provided by the School.
The École des Arts Décoratifs currently has over 150 partnerships.
The School has undertaken to respect in full the principles set out in the Erasmus Program by signing a charter which also comprises an Erasmus Policy Statement, downloadable on this page.
The two documents correspond to the standardization of academic credentials on both the European and international scales.
The international influence of our School rests on an exceptional network made up of over 150 partners.
Charte Erasmus 2021-2027 (FR) | Document PDF | Télécharger |
Déclaration en matière de stratégie Erasmus (FR) | Document PDF | Télécharger |